Frolic’s events have many opportunities. Hiking on the open trails to see this magnificent box canyon and its wildlife, playing in snow or building a snowfur in our private quad, or fursuiting to your heart’s content are all possibilities outdoors. Or if the outdoors aren’t your thing, the main lodge can accommodate gaming, drawing, fur piles by the fire. And at night we can have movies and video games late into the night.

As said before, MidWinter Frolic is a semi communal event. We want everyone to contribute in some small way. We can provide a canvas for all sorts of events. If you have a specific event in mind be it a game, movie, outdoor event, art activity, or fursuit activity please feel to contact us! Then we can set a time, place and maybe even a small budget to make it happen.
Help us to keep things running smoothly. We will have some “shifts” of simple tasks like maintaining the fire and its wood supply, managing the video and projection equipment, washing dishes. Or even tidying up the communal spaces. Campers will sign up in three hour stints, and can even be done with friends while supporting the event and the community for the weekend.
Let’s frolic!